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Digital Skills Observatory | Interview 2

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DSO Interview 2 Dataset | Surveys conducted: February/March 2016

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A first look at some general information about the respondents. The first part of the interview focuses on some basic characteristics of the respondents. 

Gender and Marital Status

For this second interview round, a total of 184 respondents were picked from the 210 respondents from interview 1. Participants older than 36 were dropped. The group for interview 2 consists of 95 men and 89 women. 

More than two third of the group was single, the remainder was married, engaged or separated.


The age of the respondents ranges from 9 to 36, but most values are around 24. The average is also 24 years.

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Marital Status

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66.8% 31.5% Marital StatusSingleMarriedSeparatedEngaged, living together
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SM1: Do you use social media?

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95.1% SM1: Do you use social media?YesNo
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Only 9 of the 184 respondents say they don't use social media. The pervasiveness of social media runs through all subsets of the group: control and treatment group, male and female, and throughout all age groups, the use of social media hovers around 95% for all.

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Social Media Use

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Of the 184 respondents, 154 could name one or more positive effects social media has on their lives. Only 8 said social media did not have any positive effects on their lives, while another 22 respondents could not answer the question.

Opinions on the negative effects of social media were more outspoken that those on the positive effects: the group of non-responders was only half as big as that for the question on positive effects (11 respondents). The group of respondents that specifically said social media did not have any negative effects for them was considerably bigger than the equivalent group for the question on positive effects: 31 respondents.

Read more about the results on Social Media

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SM6.1: How does it affect your life positively?

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31.3% 23.9% 12.4% 11.4% 7% 13.9% SM6.1: How does it affect your life positively?ConnectInformationCommunicationNo answerEntertain(6 other)
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SM15: Do you use social media to manage your business?

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A small minority of the respondents use social media for financial services. They were asked several question about their specific social media use. A considerable minority (47 respondents) indicated they do use social media to manage their business. The majority of this group gets their main source of income from casual work or self-employment. 

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T8: Can you use the internet?

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Gender: Male
94.7% 5.3% T8: Can you use the internet?YesNo
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Men are far more confident in their proficiency in using the internet than women, just as respondents from the treatment group are more confident than respondents from the control group: 95% of men versus 85% of women said they can use the internet; similarly, 94% of the treatment group versus 87% of the control group said they can use the internet.

When asked what they had learned recently about their phone, the internet or technology in general, about two thirds of the respondents could give an example. For each question (relating to technology, their phone or the internet specifically) around 30% (or 50 respondents) said they had learned nothing. While some of these respondents (17) answered "Nothing" on all three questions, most didn't, meaning that a total of 167 respondents (90%) learned something about either their phone, the internet or technology in general.

Read more about the results on Technology

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T8: Can you use the internet?

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Gender: Female
85.4% 14.6% T8: Can you use the internet?YesNo
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T6: What did you learn recently about technology?

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31% 69% T6: What did you learn recently about technol…Nothing(5 other)
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T7: What did you learn recently about your smartphone?

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28.8% 71.2% T7: What did you learn recently about your s…Nothing(2 other)
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T9: What did you learn recently about the internet?

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31.3% 68.7% T9: What did you learn recently about the inte…Nothing(2 other)
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DFS2: How often have you been using digital financial services?

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45.1% 25% 20.1% 9.8% DFS2: How often have you been using digital f…SometimesOftenRarelyVery Often
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Digital Financial Services (DFS)

In the third part of the interview the respondents were asked about their use of digital financial services (DFS).

  • 80% of the respondents use DFS sometimes, often, or very often.

  • Over half of the respondents don't report to have any trouble with the services, but network problems and delays are very common.

  • Most respondents have a balance of 0 on DFS, or between 0 and 1000 Kenyan Shilling.

Read more about the results on Digital Financial Services

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DFS Total Balance (Treatment)

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DFS7: What kind of trouble have you been having with DFS since the last visit?

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56.5% 19% 18.5% DFS7: What kind of trouble have you been ha…No trouble since last visitNetwork problems / DelaysWrong number transactionsI had problems with FraudAm not able to borrow from mshwari due …(34 other)
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AG2: Have you installed any apps since the last time we visited you? (Control)

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63% 37% AG2: Have you installed any apps since the la…YesNo
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App Use

  • The respondents have 80 installed apps on average. The median is 55.5.

  • 63% of the respondents have installed apps since the last visit. In comparison to the Control group, a significantly larger part of the Treatment group says they installed any apps since the last visit (72.3% vs 53.3%).

  • The respondents who asked help with installing helps most often turned to friends, the DDD researchers, and family members.

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(If answer to AG5 is yes) AG6: From whom and for what did you ask for help with installing apps?

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43.3% 31.7% 15% 6.7% AG6: From whom and for what did you ask fo…From a friendDDD staffFrom a family memberFor the study purposesHow to collect the messenger and save th…(4 other)
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AG3: What App(s) have you installed?

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7.9% 6.4% 5% 67.1% AG3: What App(s) have you installed?DDD AppAndroidWhatsappImoViber2AntivirusGamesInstagramLive ScoreLivescore(69 other)
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Multiple answers per respondent possible, percentages are calculated out of the total number of answers.

Last updated: 1 week ago